Wednesday, August 14, 2013

To pay for TOPIK

I phoned the Singapore Korean International School(SKIS) to ask them how to go their school...and the first time, I speak in English all the way but she was speaking in Korean language instead.She told me that she can't speak english in simple english and told me to call back again after 10minutes.
so after 10minutes, I phoned them again. Now a guy picked up instead... and I tried speaking Korean..

Korean: Hello?

내가:예.. *참~~어색해*
Me: Ye.. *That's awkward*

한국사람:네, 안녕하세요!

내가:안녕하세요~그학교..아니..이학교가 어떻게 가요? 버스 있어요?
Me:Hello~That school..No..How to go to this school? Do any buses go there?

한국사람:네, 버스 있지만 버스 보통 학교에 안가요... ...*이한국사람은 계속 말했어요.근데 여기에서 나는 이해지 못해*... ... Swiss Coat 어디에서 알아죠?
Korean: Yes, there are buses which go there but they usually don't stop directly at the school... ...*This Korean continue to talk but I don't understand what's he was talking about*... ... You know where is Swiss Coat?

내가:Swiss Cottage?엉...조금 알아요..
Me:Swiss Cottage?Erm...I know a little..(Not sure is it Swiss Cottage coz I heard Swiss Coat)

내가:그리고 학교 가는 Shuttle버스 있어죠? 어디있어요? 몇시부터 몇시까지 타야 돼요?
Me:And you guys have Shuttle bus which goes to the school right? Where is it at? Usually it will be there from what time to what time?

한국사람:Shuttle버스 있어요~ The Nexus 반대 Shuttle버스 타도 돼요.... ...*여기에서 또 이해지 못해*... ... 아침과저녁 있어요.
Korean:We have Shuttle Bus~You can take it at the opposite side of The Nexus... ...*I also don't understand here what he said here*... ... We have it in the morning and evening.

내가:아까에 저는 The Nexus 반대 Bus stop있었어요..근데 버스번호66 탔어요..
Me:I was at at the opposite side of The Nexus just now..However I took Bus66 instead..(and rode all the way to Little India T n T when I can't find the school)

한국사람:아까 거기에서 5시 30분에 Shuttle버스 있거든요~
Korean:We have Shuttle Bus at 5.30pm just now though~

내가:진짜? 저는 몰라요.. 아...영어로 말하게 돼요?
Me:Really? I didn't know that.. ah...Can you speak English?

한국사람:제 영어 잘못해요~
Korean: My English is not so good~

...Next, I asked him more about where is the school nearby in English..Because I don't know how to say in Korean language. *Our conversion was in half English half Korean language by then*

Wa~This is my 2nd times talking to a Korean in Korean Language through the phone, 1st was in Korea talking to Hee Jeong's dad(I didn't really talk much though, coz don't understand T n T).. *재미있어요**스트레스도 있어요*

Found out from him(that staff from SKIS) that tomorrow is Korea's National Day(광복절) so tomorrow the school will be closed~
Haiis.... Didn't manage to go to SKIS today to pay for my TOPIK Exam's fee... Ono only left this friday only...


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