Sunday, August 11, 2013

Costest Morgiana and Chitanda.....their heads only~

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She don't pose like this, but well...
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I don't seems pretty and cool enough to cosplay as her... hmmmmmm... T ~ T
The tailor auntie told me that my Morgiana's dress will only be done by 15th August...So... no hope to join the Cosplay Runway during STGCC liao. T m T

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Next, Chitanda... okies, finally got the droppy eyes. but still looks weird as Chitanda.
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My eyes looks super monolids, oh well they are monolids...Should I try to add in double eyelid tape next time? Maybe also need lower eyelids' lashes too...
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*ACTING CUTE In Process*
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*Trying out her "I'm curious" face* alright, ~Failed~

To be honest, for me.. Chitanda is a damh difficult character to cos as, coz my eyes not big enough and my makeup styles very not her style~

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