Thursday, August 8, 2013

~Almost Whole Day Queuing Day~Sentosa SEA AQUARIUM

Didn't know that I'm actually going Sentosa just to queue queue and queue+20minutes of exploring SEA AQUARIUM+queuing again! Wrong day to go Sea Aquarium sia, so many humansssssssssss around!
What's worse... I wore my 8cm Spikes Platform Boot out~ Yap, my foots smelled and ached when I took them off at 10+pm.
Reached Habourfront at 10+am and then walked to Sentosa and kept queuing up till we were in SEA AQUARIUM. By the time we were in SEA AQUARIUM, it was like 4+pm already. Only stayed in the SEA AQUARIUM for 20minutes coz I have to rush to BAP Concert.
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How much did I queued earlier on?:
1. Queued to buy $1 entry ticket to Sentosa for my indonesian relatives who don't have EZ-link cards.(Queued half-way didn't queue already...from the shade area queue till under the bright sun)
2. Queued to enter Sentosa(That $1 entrance) (AWESOME SIA THE QUEUE WAS SO LONG EHH, should have just queue for the Sentosa Express since it's about the same Queue Length and can save energy)
3. Queued to Enter the outside of SEA AQUARIUM(if u have seen how long the queue is, can faint sia)
4. Queued to help them buy food(Unexpectedly longggggggggggggggggggg, around 35minutes just for char kway teow only eh)
5. Queued to Enter the Real SEA AQUARIUM(if u saw how long the queue is, can faint also)
6. Queued to take the Sentosa Express(wa, I gave up queuing after 40minutes because I'm still so behind at level1)
7. Queued to take MRT(This one most EPIC one sia, when I thought I'm last one to enter... many people who were behind me squeezed in despite that there was already no space to even stand properly behind already.I'm literally flatten!)

By the time I reached BAP Concert venue, I must be looking damh pathetic already lol~ Sweated like hell.
Actually, the whole time...It was me who brought everyone to Sentosa, SEA AQUARIUM, Toilets, Sentosa Foodcourt etc etc etc like a "tour guide" like that since my 2nd Uncle not here~ The one who suggested to go SEA AQUARIUM+bought our tickets(my 2nd uncle) didn't come. I don't know how to go also must try to find because no one else know either...since everyone asked me for directions all the time like I'm working in Sentosa like that. *Stress but quite fun I think?*
But when it comes to find missing people, it's kindda vexed...Because I went WITH 13 PEOPLE wor~
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Can see that this guy beside me did a lots of contouring and highlighting!HAHAHAHA!
This is only during 5. Queued to Enter the Real SEA AQUARIUM! Already looks so sticky and sweaty already~My eyebags show you how much waiting/queuing I have went through~lol
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Look at people expressions while queuing~
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SO TALL already stand so high for what?
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When I thought finally that we're entering Sea Aquarium very soon... ...
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But no, this was like around 1hrs 30min more to enter Sea Aquarium
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We're all like sitting down already~This was taken far away from the LED words "SEA AQUARIUM".
Dad queue till wanna sleep liao!

The Precious 20minutes in SEA AQUARIUM:
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Helped 3rd Aunt and her family take photo! OUO V *CUTE DARREN!!!*
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I look totally cui and unglam here, but I don't care already~ *To Prove that I'm really here*
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Another world underneath 
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Jellyyyyyyyyfishess in white light!!!!!!
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In red light~
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