Thursday, August 22, 2013

Exam Over! Time for a blog post~!

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I had FCS Paper yesterday and DMTC Paper today~~~
Surprisingly, I completed my FCS Paper within 1hour and used the remaining 1hour to redo all the questions to check careless mistakes~! I'm happy with FCS Paper!
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As for DMTC Paper, it is the opposite, I couldn't complete the Paper, I left my last page almost blank(Worth 9MARKS)...When I really know how to do but don't have enough time to do...Such A Pity Huhhh... While checking answer with Apple, I realized I have 1 question Whole Question Wrong just because I didn't see the question properly and I used 8 instead of 16.. DDANG... That question wrote 16 and I see 8, what's wrong with my eyes............................
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Aiya What's happen happened, also can't turn back the time arh~ I'm just complaining, I don't feel super duper sad or what de~lol

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Accidentally hit my eyebrow/forehead with the large cooking Wok's cover while trying to cover back the Wok after washing them yesterday. *With a loud sound*
I was trying to move the wok's cover overhead and it just happened to caught in between my head and the cabinet and that's when it hits me~ It's kindda stupid though... Pretty much stupid
 My Dad was like: "Does it hurts?" *worry tone*
Me:"No ar, nothing ar, it just hit that the cabinet above."*calm and monotone*
but *Ouch it really hurt alots!* T n T Well..I just don't wanna make a big fuss over such a minor thing~

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