Sunday, August 11, 2013

Beautiful Dream with Key and Jonghyun~HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Jonghyun and Key appeared in my dream after I sleep back again at 12pm~ The dream was so beautiful till I received a phone call from my mum at 2pm~ So it lasted about 2hours?

I will just go straight to the point~
To my surprised they were willingly to do those with me~LOL It was Just A Dream although it always appear to be real while you are dreaming~
I shaked hand with Key, Talked to both Key and Jonghyun using my lousy korean standard, took selca with Jonghyun and almost gotten Jonghyun's signature(coz the phone call rang when he gonna sign...and I woke up from dream *Argh*)~

And then after I woke I saw Key's instagram video(which he posted on 27th July), hahahahahhaahaha I see SHINee again after dreaming!!!!
*At the cashier, cashier tapping those items they bought*
Onew:"Have you guys paid?"
Don't who said:"Haven't"
*Onew forked out his $ and pay for all the stuffs*
Key:"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!" *So happy that he don't need to pay for his stuffs*

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This made remember how happy he was when he succeed in letting Jonghyun to pay his expensive birthday present last time~
Seems like it will really be miracle if Key treat people/pay for other people~

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