Thursday, December 27, 2012

Shopping with Cousin Vivian and Bryan~!

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The 6 cups of free plain water from Mcd(which were for Bryan)~!well..Since it's free~~OUO
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Yes, Candid OUO V
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Taken when Bryan was not ready yet~But Bryan didn't look unglam~
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My face looks fat/chubby~
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Half face will be better~                         Bryan was holding onto my BAP Mirror~MATOKI`
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Another half face~                                 OwO
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 T  u  T  V                                            
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Taken in H&M while queuing to pay~(*I didn't buy anything*)
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2 more candid photos~~~I purposely don't wanna flip them over to protect their Personal Image~
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When Bryan give you the cold look~    
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Sorry Cousin Vivian~ HAHAHAHAHA!                   I was holding my laughters here~
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*Who was she texting?Smile till so bright~*
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Oh ~ Bryan's new necklance~!!!!!!
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Blue lens~                                              Candid of Bryan again~ OwO
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Today's hairstyle~It's totally way too GAY already`!

Cousin Vivian stayed at my house last night~~And we met Bryan at 3plus pm at Somerset~
1st stop: H&M(Have sales/discounts)
1 SERIOUS MAJOR THING HAPPENED: The SAME WINTER CLOTHING I bought last time, the PRICE REDUCED TO $20 instead of $50(last time de price)...And I GOT IT AT $50~~~I COULD HAVE SAVE $30 IF I BUY LATER~~Geez..

2nd stop: Mcd(Have Free cups of plain water)
Vivian was hungry~~~Ordered foods and stuffs~
I ate Strawberry Sundae~~~
Bryan was drinking his free plain water(6cups)~But I drank 2 cups~ 
Where we camwhored~~~

3rd stop: Cineleisure(have cheap stuffs)
I only bought 4earstuds($3.60) and that's all~

4th stop: Bugis Street
Bryan wanted to find the bag he saw last time and ended up buying another bag(after discount:$33)~while Vivian was like I can't spend anymore $ liao~However, she ended up buying hair extension after trying it($35)~But it looks awesome on her anyway~!!!!
I intended to get the orange skinny I saw last time but when I found out that it was actually a HIGH-WAIST SKINNY, A MAJOR TURNOFF... Forget about it, I'm not buying already~ ++The Chinese AUNTIE was like "xiao mei mei, you wanna buy or not? Don't wanna buy just leave, I need close the shop already.", oh well alright so I left~

We left Bugis for home at about 10pm~끝!

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