Monday, December 24, 2012

A day out with Junrong~

A fun day which started with waiting~
Intentionally, we're meeting at Bugis at 3pm~When I was 2stops away from Bugis, he phoned me and said that he's still at home(Yishun)~Oh wow...Then I took the train to meet him at Bishan instead~Eventually travelled to Tai Sung, to take Salary(his salary) for about 2hours(just to take salary, we were like waited for that long)~I don't mind waiting for so long but I'm kindda bored~
Then we travelled to Bugis~
We went to Roma's Deli(a Western Vegetarian Restaurant), the foods I tried were AWESOMELY DELICIOUS~~~But I guess Junrong ordered too much mushroom soup le(very full)~After sharing a plate of Mushroom Soup, a Mushroom Soup in Bread came, then I was a little shocked but well it was damh tasty especially the bread(after we finished the mushroom soup in the bread we ate the bread, the bread seriously taste so nice!)~
And plus after that I ate my baked rice, awesome~!
we paid $13 each for like a plate of Mushroom Soup, a Mushroom Soup in Bread, 2 baked rice, a glass of coke and a glass of mango juice~Quite worth it actually~
Basically, this is the first time we went out together, unexpectedly he talked alots, about alots stuffs that I didn't know about him~I felt that we grew closer(as friends of course!)~

After he left, I went to find Bryan, since he's in Bugis too~They were in LAN~And HAHAHAAHHAHAA!!!So cute and hilarious when they(Jia Xun and Kelly) screamed(when tons of Zombies kept coming to attack them in the game) while playing the don't what game~!
I bought this in Cottonon(have discounts!I got it at $10):
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Christmas Tree~:

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