Saturday, December 8, 2012

SHINee World Concert II (part2) Everythings happened feel like a dream now~

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Backstage and Rehearsal~~~
(abits of "Lucifer" only) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoxndlEJhuo&feature=youtu.be

Beginning of the concert...SHINee landed on the stage using "UFO"~HAHAHA!!
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Doesn't they look like dolls like this?CUTE!
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Key!!!!!!!!                                                                  Key "playing" with "Sword"~
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         Key was stoning again~~~
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Those are After encore~~~When the staffs/dancers were bring out Onew and Min Ho's Birthday Cakes!
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FRUIT CAKES(My favourite type of Birthday Cake(I never love Chocolate Cake btw))!!!  As soon as the cakes were there, Jong Hyun was like, "Oh I'm so happy that you guys prepare the brithday cakes for my very early Birthday Celebration eventhough my birthday is on April!*+exaggerating Thank you speeches*."HAHAHAHAHA Jong Hyun, you're so hilarious sia you!
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*Devien, May and I in our standing pit location*
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 *Oh and one of May's bag strip broke during the concert, I guess it's during the pushing moments where others were pushing*
image host *Devien give me de, thanks!*
It was such a fun SWC II Concert this year~!!!Plus it was their last concert of the year~(Singapore SHAWOLs were so fortunate)!I have captured some fun videos and nice pictures +at the same time I enjoyed the moments!Despite being squashed like lettuce in burger(Whenever Tae Min or Onew threw stuffs for fans during the "Tie a yellow ribbon on the oak tree" live) and kenna pushed till I can't stand properly from time to time(my foot were still at same location but body was toward the extreme right side. lol).In addition of foot being super duper uncomfortable and numb(was standing from 4plus pm till end of concer,9plus pm)
All the videos I have taken:
1) (a very short one during SHINEE "Ready or Not") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkEuWjMZ5K4&feature=youtu.be
2) (a very short one during SHINEE "Ready or Not" part2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO39rNnwYuc&feature=youtu.be
3) (a very short one during SHINEE "The Name I Loved") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lywMgnu3nTU&feature=youtu.be
4) (Sing Birthday to Min Ho and Onew(Early Birthday Celebration for them)!!!!!!!and the smashing birthday cakes moments!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gcvB-8LRyc&feature=youtu.be
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Jong Hyun was posing a "sexy pose" while holding the cake , and after Key's "1,2,3~", HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! CAKE SMASHED! Plus Key was like so kiasu, he ran far far away immmediately when Jong Hyun smashing cake on Min Ho and Onew, and the dancers all those playing "Smashing cake game"...Key was like down there watching "action movie" like that, kept saying ,"Waa... ... waa~~~" ~
Hahahahahahaha!!!I'm also like that one(during cakes smashing), so that no one can smash cake on me.

5) (HHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!Look at Min Ho's reaction at Jong Hyun!!!!Jong Hyun was the one who put smashed cake on him just now!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JD9vlGLYOY&feature=youtu.be 
6) (Hilarious and Extremely Cheeky SHINee~Their randomness were seriously undescribe-ly Adoarble and funny!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVB9ZwVbVHY&feature=youtu.be

FOR ONCE... Key squatted down nearby infront of me, smiled and act cute~Anyway that was extremely near~
and well, I'm not very sure if Key got look at me(or noticed me) or not, only Key himself knows, no one else knows~But I have eye contacts with him several times(sometimes spotted him smiling..)
FOR ONCE... I saw Jong Hyun wanted to laugh but holding back his laughters during a supposingly Cool performance~ lol I'm noticing his Nostril again, sorry Jong Hyun~
FOR ONCE... I saw Onew being SO DAMH HAPPY(smiling away), while all the fans were singing the birthday song for Min Ho and him~
FOR ONCE... I witnessed a short JongKey moment in first of my eyes, Jong Hyun hugged Key awhile and ran away~!
FOR ONCE... While Jong Hyun was wearing a french fries hat, Key was like,"it looks like it's part of your head~"~HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

During the "Tie a yellow ribbon on the oak tree" VCR/music video, Key kept appearing on Onew's TV, Gosh I'LL LOVE THAT WHEN Key KEPT APPEARING ON MY TV or rather the whole SHINee~!

Near the ending(right before Encore), they put SHINee's debut and pre-debut pictures/videos in background, every one of them was saying something like how they strived hard to become what they are are now in the VCR~
When Jong Hyun said,"Unlike others of our age who play and enjoy,we have sacrifice all that and practice hard to debut." I was holding with it during Onew part,but upon hearing that, tears started to flow down by itself(I was NOT Crying ar, it's totally different.)...(Key kept looking at the screen too..)Key tears abit too...He probably felt more since he experienced it before...All the hardships etc etc..
Right after that They sang "The Name I Loved", they were all like holding back their tears while singing that, and I sang with them too...as long as  you understand the meaning of the song, seeing that scene, you will tears too baa~
Good that They have a dream(and eventually achieved it), I don't even have a dream... ...

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