Monday, December 3, 2012


Since my lesson ended at 11am, I spent most of my time studying/falling asleep(twice) in my school library till 6pm~And thank for San Lian accompanying me till like 6pm(and it's still raining when we left the library)~

But then I have reached LT26 too early that I was standing there stoning alone for like an hour(as it started late at 7plus pm) as Jonathan will be performing, so I will probably be alone now and sitting alone later~~~Happy to see Si Hui and friends for awhile...
Why am I here for...? I'm here for "Korean Cultural Club Annual General Meeting(aka KCC AGM)"~!!!! Anticipating for Jonathan and Shan Shan 's dance performance~(as I only know that only both of them will be performing until the performance started)...Brenda and Joyce have also performed! Nice!
To be exact, I dressed up today as the theme was "Dress up like your favourite Korean Idol"~So many people complimented my Spikey Boot!I love that pair of boot too!
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Last minutes taken de photos~ Hees~

I get to know what's "Anipang" tonight~I'm slow~~~(since I don't have SMARTPHONE/iPad/Samsung Galaxy Tab/Whatever it is, I wouldn't be able to play)
But then "Anipang" is just like one of the standard free game that was given in my Mum's non-camera samsung old model Mobile Phone, just that there are no CUTE animals lor~

Yap I was all alone during the performances and so on~~~~
until the whole thing ended, I "reunion" with Jonathan and let him see the video I have taken~~~HAHAHAAHAHAHA!!!
We ate the "Dessert Buffet" outside the LT, the mini Strawberry CheeseCake and the Fruit tarts were all SOOOOOO DELICIOUS!and we had a long chat with Anati and her friend!Something I had in common with Anati, we love to watch Variety Shows, she watch "Running Man", "Romantic and Idols" Too!!!!! Indeed, both of us have good taste in choosing Variety Shows to watch!HAHAHAHA!!!

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