Saturday, December 8, 2012

SHINee World Concert II 2012 (part1)

1.Slept at 1.30am and Woke up at  5.15am~ Wa, still feel very tired after waking up.
I almost forget about bring my concert ticket out...Luckily, I remembered after I went down the stair, so can still get back to my house and take the ticket easily.However, I've forgotten to bring my SHINee Lightstick. Seriously too tired already. lol
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 2.May was unwell(Food poisoning) to reach so early at 7am to queue with me, so she's coming later when she's better.
3.Saw Joanna, then we were like talk awhile and found the queueline...unfortunately hers was Pen B, mine was Pen A, so we have to queue different place.
4.Ended up queuing alone at first and eventually got to know this friend whom name is Helen and another friend, Jing Lin.We chatted alots I guess? Helen lent me one of her lightstick also~~~
and then hor, this time round the fans in the queue were very well organized too, no chaos situation like last year SHINee World Concert~~~That's good!
5.I met up with May when she arrived and went to queue together with her...
6.Hannah was queuing in the Merchandise Queue, so I got to buy my SHINee Key folder!!!!!!I originally wanted to buy Jong Hyun and Onew one too, but $12x3, it's too expensive already~
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7.After(eating my lunch+dinner and buy the folder) going back to sit in the queue, I got to know this friend whom name is Devien, and chat chat chat~~~~
8.After 4pm, our queue moved down to nearby the check bags area image host  *Devien, May and I*
and after checking bag eventually we went into the standing pit area~And smart me brought a 10cm heels to change, so that I can be taller!May, Devien and I were in like 2nd rows~~~ OUO

Thanks Wei Xiong For....(My Friend~He was also one of the stage setup crew for SHINee World Concert II!) :
1.Giving me that List!!!!
2.Helping me to take some photos~~~ OUO
3.the free packet of lunch+Dinner, GOT EGGPLANTS(MY FAVOURITE)!
4. aiyo thank ar, for trying to make me jealous ar~lol HAHAHAHAHA!
He actually talked to Jong Hyun, the Kim Jong Hyun in SHINee!!!Oh well...I'm pretty jealous but what to do, only can envy(I also speak Korean too though)~!HEHEHEHES!
And the Conversion was fully Korean~
Jong Hyun: Is it tiring working here?
Wei Xiong: No, not at all.
Jong Hyun was like quite surprise that he can speak Korean Language, and they continue talking awhile I think.The other stuffs Jong Hyun and him say, I have forgotten already~

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