Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Believe or not..it's all up to you~

 After you're born, life is never easy~
After you're dead, it's also NOT THE END for you, it's not easy either~
The Mayans predicted that the World is gonna end on 21st December 2012...Oh well, it's all up to people's heart, EVERY ONE OF US, How we behave, How we think..The World might end earlier than we imagined if everyone's heart are too evil. Look at all the news all over the world, it worsen year by year...
If the World don't end on 21st December 2012, that's good, means there are more kind souls/people who turn over a new leaf than sinner...It's not that the Mayans prediction are not trustable alright~
So Everyone plays a part...
Be a Good Human Everyone~(The Basic)Learn to be less selfish, don't get angry too often, quit lying etc etc~

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