Saturday, December 1, 2012

*Fa Cai**Ah Mong Jiu Jiu's house**Wedding Dinner**sang**Exhausted*

1st Night and 2nd Day in Batam~~~~~~~~
1st Night~~~Was playing card game with Jia Xin, Jia Li and Brother~~(Youngest aunt when to sleep first after playing a few round)~ We played till 1plus am~
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Fa Cai did almost nothing here but HE LOOKS SUPER DUPER ADORABLE HERE!
"Gong Xi Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni~" Although Fa Cai already know this trick since very young, it's still Cute la, Fa Cai(Vivian's Dog)!!!! Warning:Lower down the video volume while watching~ the noise and laughters were kindda noisy, though I was silent when I filmed this~

image host image host image host  This is the Bee which I saw when I'm at my Jiu Jiu's house!Cool~!
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Before going to Vivian's house, we went to Ah Mong Jiu Jiu's house(it's original his mum's house anyway)~First time visiting that house after so many years surely brings back a lots of memories, regardless of happy, sad and sorrow(death)~
The place was reconstructed a little, but it still looks as similar as the old one~

I only get to stay at Vivian's house(without Vivian, she went back to Singapore for 2NE1 Concert) awhile whereby I spent time with Fa Cai most of the time... T ~ T Wonder when I'm gonna see Fa Cai again~~~
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A red Pear~~~!!!I ate it and it's so sweet and juicy!
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                                                                                  Jia Xin's hair, I tie one!!! Nice???
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Spot me~~ Where was I(in the picture above)?
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image host Bride's Family Photo!
At night...The Wedding Dinner of Ah Mong Jiu Jiu(Chinese) and His Wife(Malay)~I think Cross-Cultural Marriage are quite Cool~Both are indonesian though la~

When a guy was up there on the stage singing, the diner room was like short circuited on and off many many times, hilarious much he like sings until he don't feel like singing already...and the female singer also kenna that!HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!The whole place blackout on and off several times in a Wedding Dinner, not very common sia!
Vivian's Father who is my uncle also, he AIYO ...He gives my name to the host and tell him that I wanna sing a song...~Face palm~
I decided to go to toilet to escape from singing...*Walking quickly*However...Cousins pulled me back....
Host asked me what song I wanna sing. I don't have a song that I wanna sing ley, I haven't been listening to Chinese Songs for very long time already.
So, I say that I wanna sing Korean Song, any Korean Song from SHINee~*While in the background, they have already played "Gangnam Style"..*
Host: Huhh?! Sani?
Obviously they don't even know who SHINee is...
Me:I doubt if you have SHINee's songs...Nevermind...I just sing that song which one of the ah piak sang just now...That "你是我的眼" song~
Ended up singing that song on the stage and receiving Red Packets while singing lol~ T n T 
I know where I sang off the original pitch, hope the crowd didn't know and didn't mind~ lol

After the dinner... There were like Tea Drinking Ceremony and Photos Taking~

Soon after I reached back my Jiu Jiu's house, I already feel like sleeping already...I played with Jia Xin, Jia Li, my younger brother and my youngest aunt that game which my youngest aunt "invented" like last night. Play till I cannot tahan and wanna fall sleep already, I lie on the bed automatically, but Jia Xin and Jia Li didn't wanna let me sleep~Haiis...Kindda noisy...

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