Monday, November 11, 2013

Samantha's Birthday Celebration!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!

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*Singing Birthday In Process*           *Pretty Samantha Cutting Cake*
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 This is pretty well taken by ShiTing~~~~!!!
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*Group Photo after Birthday Song*
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 *Cutting Cake?*
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*Opening "PresentS"*
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*Trap present*                                *Real present*
It's really my very first sharing $ for this type of present~Hope she like it!Confirm will like it de baa~HAHAHAHA
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*Samantha is flexible~*
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me, Yvonne, Samantha and Si Man~ I wonder how long since the 4 of us last took photo together~

wa, my dark circle+eyebags are seriously obvious sia...The Result of After staying back late for project, VPP Presentation, NAPFA test and 2 days of AFA, every single day home at around 10+/11+pm~Today too~

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