Sunday, November 10, 2013

AFA 2013 Day3 as "Junko Enoshima"

AFA 2013 Day3
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*Taken by Simply Random*       *Taken by Jim*
I cos as "Junko Enoshima" from "Dangaronpa"~ But there were a lot of Junko Enoshima in AFA... and I'm that Flat-Chest Junko~
Before leaving my house, selcas again!
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I actually spent like 2hrs in my eyes makeup... OAO feel like crying to re-stick the 2 pairs of false eyelashes and re-drawing eyeliner so many times due to uneven. Tried putting the full false lower eyelashes but failed, stick my usual half lower eyelashes~ *ARGH training my patient huh, I am patient* 
I didn't wear the whole costume out coz it's TOO AWKWARD~ First time cos-ing this type of character, first time wearing this type of clothes~If it's not for Junko, I wun be wearing such a low cut one~I purposely grow my nail till long long(not very long la) for Junko, so that's my real nails, it's annoying to have such a long nail though(coz my nails will break easily if I'm not careful)~

Arrived at 3++pm like yesterday~
The before and after changing into Junko process was "witnessed" by this toilet clean maintenance auntie, her expression after seeing me walking out of toilet...it was hilarious~ *That shocked and confused looks*
Auntie: Are you that same girl who went in just now? Me:Yes of cos!
Before: Short pink wig+Blue long sleeves hoody
After: With twin tails+Monokuma pins+that low cut clothes
So damh hot and sweat like hell after changed into full cos..far different from Yesterday's Chitanda cos whereby it's so comfortable and cooling~ Oh and I met a friend who I know from STGCC2013 and helped her with carrying her luggage(the escalator wasn't moving and she was alone) up~Nice to see her there~She's cosing as Armin!
Meanwhile at Suntec Convention Centre...
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Someone give me this, and I'm so thankful!!!I love it!!! 
I was like "since you bought it, you keep it yourself, no need to give me" , but he says he still have more since he bought a set and insist of giving~so I accepted it~ OUO
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*Nico nico ni!*
With 小月!!
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With Vernesa!!!!!
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With Alexis!!!
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With Siman!!!!!!
She's actually came down to Suntec to find me~~ *Touched*
Short meetup with Si Man and her Bf~
Overall,it's a fun day with Onii-chan, Kang Lin they all~Thank for the company!
So sad that I didn't manage take picture with Aliga's super pretty Kotori~ OAO 

Just realised that I probablycan't go this year EOY liao...Unless that class change date/cancelled~Initially planned to cos Mayu or Junko for EOY de...I last year also didn't go EOY since I can't go also.. Although that I started off cosplaying at EOY2011, I haven't been to EOY since that year... OAO

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