Wednesday, November 20, 2013

As I grow older...

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As I grow older...
The more the amount of pressures I have
The more the amount of difficulties I have in learning
The more lazy I am
The more tired I am
The more coward I am
The more greedy I am
The more selfish I am
The more ugly my heart have become
The more the distance I have with my family
The more the friends I lose
The more I say without thinking
The more the number of people I've hurt
The more the friends I gain
The more the amount of lies
The more the amount of pretends
Lesser real smile I have
Lesser real friends
Lesser time
Lesser determination
Lesser freedom
Lesser control of myself

Back when I was a primary school kids, little thing made me happy, truly happy~Being a small kids, is much happier... Where I was living in my own carefree imaginations~~~

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