Saturday, November 9, 2013

AFA 2013 Day2 as "Chitanda Eru"

AFA 2013 Day2
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                                                        *Taken by JA Chew*
I cos as "Chitanda Eru" from "Hyouka", I suppose only a few know that I was cos-ing as her while most of the people were like thinking that I'm just a random girl who wore Jap school uniform to AFA~*ARGH* Nevermind, I just can't bring out her feels... I'm still keen to find her "Oreki" to cos with me though..

Before leaving my house, selcas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! while makeup-ing....omg I removed the eyeliner like siao as I forgot that she's droopy eyes~
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Actually I reached the venue at around 3+pm and left early at around 6pm~ hehes~ *I'm busy*
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with Mai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                      with Cheryl!!!!!! *I don't think she rmb me but well, she hold the camera again like what she did in Cosfest2013 when she cos-ed as Sena* I'm cos ToTo next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hoho!!!
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Always been "stalking" her since cosfest..Not really stalking la..*Shy*
 She's so cool so pretty each time she cos regardless of character~ 
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Picture with Onii-chan! The lighting no good here though~*lOok at Onii-chan's face with partial light hahahaha*

meanwhile while I was exploring myself... ...
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"Haku" from "Spirted Away" !!!!!!Wonderful! OMG I didn't expect people to cos this anime movie!!!My childhood memories sia~~I almost wanted to cos Chihiro from Spirted Away but I cancelled my that cosplan~ 
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                  Kirigiri!!!!!!!                                    Such a adorable Kobato with her beautiful rabbit!!!!!!I love her RABBIT DOLL!!!!!!!!!!

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