Saturday, November 16, 2013

neko96's "It's a wonderful cat life" photoshoot~

Started off my day at 10am~ Left house to NTUC to help mum buy apples and grapes after I'm done with makeup.
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was wearing sth like this+red lens+makeup except for the wig to NTUC and Wet Market~
Unlucky sia, the grapes not ready for sell yet and the queue is soooooooooooooooo lonnnnnnnng in NTUC~ Ended up going into wet market to buy grapes~ I received a lot of stares~ ok that's fine, I know it's damh weird wear makeup to a wet market, lol I have no choice though~ 
I ate like 2 pieces of pancakes along the way home~Epic Auntie who sold the pancakes to me was like "Wa Ah Girl, makeup till like this ah, Halloween party later arh?"~ OAO that was like 12+pm, wow so early and I looks like a ghost/ vampire/ sth related to Halloween la~ hahahaaha omg
I replied her, three words"No la, Cosplay"~ OUO
After I went back home from there, I just throw everythings I need into my bag and just go off to my neko96 photoshoot~ While receiving a call from Kang Lin, I saw Vernesa! Hehes~~~
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Thanks Kang Lin and Bao Wei  for the shoot once again!!!!!!!

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