Sunday, November 3, 2013

Chitanda Eru Uniform version Photoshoot~~~

Just had my Chitanda Eru Uniform version Photoshoot this morning~~~It was planned a few months ago, but dragged till now..most likely all because of me(I overslept that time the last time Oniichan and I was suppose to go TP for the uniform version shoot~ OAO)~hehes~
The whole photoshoot was the easiest photoshoot ever~~~~Kindda strange that most of my first shot for those poses are the nice-ist among all the photos taken lol~Best if Chitanda have her Oreki to do the photoshoot together, haiis... Anyway, thanks Onii-chan for today!
Onii-chan's morning flu lasted after noon, hopefully it's really not a flu~

As contrast from yesterday's Mayu's yandere photoshoot....
Today:~Simple Poses, Simple Concept and Simple Background~
But My Eyes makeup can never be simple for the cosplay me~lol I more I draw my eyes, the more stuffs I add on~
Lets' see...:
primer, gel eyeliner, 2 layers of false eyelashes, red eyeshadow and bling bling white pencil eyeliner this time round for Chitanda~ 
Initially I have like costest-ed twice last time for Chitanda with very light eyes makeup, I don't really like it and not so confident that I will looks perfect for Chitanda. So ended up with this...
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I removed my wig already~~~ I didn't take any picture of my full cos~
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Yeah! both Mayu and Chitanda 's photoshoots cleared over the weekend! and next week is AFA! I know what I wanna cos for Day2 already but for Day3 abit reluctant to cos as that person I planned to...coz of the costume...
I have like VPP Presentation on the day before AFA, and NAPFA Test on AFA Day1~lol that's... ...

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