Sunday, October 6, 2013

Went Ah Mong Jiu Jiu's house and walk walk at some resort place with Cousin Vivian and the rest

Went Ah Mong Jiu Jiu's house and walk walk at some resort place with Cousin Vivian and the rest:
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 With baby cousin~
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Vivian's ah ma and baby cousin~        *Lilttle Bee Darren*
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YO Darren YO!                               *Baby Cousin's eyes smile*
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 their resort houses looks creative huh~
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 With Vivian!!!!!!! * and ah mong jiu jiu photo bomb*
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*snatching phone from me, I snapped this*    In the car back home(small aunt's house)~ *argh tired*
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                                                      with 3rd aunt driving~

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