Thursday, October 3, 2013

Summary of everythings I did in Moro~!

Summary of every things did in Moro; Eat, Sleep, Stone, Yawn, Watch Television, Cycling, Sea Breeze and kept applying oil for my sandfly bites and Mosquito repellent(it works but still kenna some Mosquito bites)~
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Tsk~~~ this black kitten like forever drinking milk, can't play with him~

Cycling in the evening~~~
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Front                                              Behind
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Another Jetty for Small boat~                              Papaya tree, first time ever I saw this thingy here

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Every night *Meow-ing* up here till I cannot sleep~

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Cute but noisy Kitten!
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Who knows that they will have the same mother~  Blacky!!!!!!
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 Because of the rain, the tap water become like that(Muddy muddy colour de)~ Luckily we still have the stored clear water to bathe and wash face.

Cycling again, this time round I went further till I reached steep Hill that side~
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 Half done house~ Cute eh, looks like Ice Cream Stick Houses which I used to use when I was a kid~ just that this is a much bigger one~
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*Beautiful Sky*
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Goat~~~~~~~                                 This fellow looks skinny here
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But it looks fat here~HAHAHA        Wa wa wa pose for me arh~
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Rare house in such a remote place~   *Rooster*
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Me and my ugly auntie looking pyjamas to blend in the people here~lol
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A lots of Boats here~                       Wondering why all those thingy will have plastic bottle to cover the top?

Sunset at My grandparent's house there
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 Now our Neighbour like don't make boats already eh... All I see is Fishing net~

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