Sunday, October 20, 2013

오늘 TOPIK중급이 봤어요!

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오늘의 TOPIK중급이 나에게 참 어려워요...
나는 TOPIK중급을 볼 때 너무 느렸어요.. 시간이 모자라고 나서 쓰기 못 완전핬네요... 
읽기 마치막의 10개 문제에서 또 시간을 모자라기 때문에 글이 못 읽고 다 추측했어요..어
쩔 수없었어요..
지금 자신이 진짜 없어요~시험이 보기 후에 합격하지 몰라요... 합격하면 좋겠어요~ 
200점이나 바라요!.
I shouldn't have apply for Intermediate when I don't have that standard..
I was too slow in doing the the TOPIK Intermediate papers.. Due to not having enough
time, I didn't manage to complete the essay(which worth 30marks)...I also didn't have 
enough time to do the last 10 questions of Comprehension/reading(don't know how 
should it be named in english) and the just anyhow select the answers without reading the passage..No choice...Haiis..
I really have no confident liao~After taking the exam, I really don't know if I can still pass to exam or not... I hope I will pass~ I'm hoping for just 200marks! *If can higher better also la*

I actually went out of my house way too early at 9.45am(estimated 1hr earlier), I can leave at 10.45am instead de lol~Ended up wandering around in Botanic Garden(Nothing to see de) till going to 12pm then I took bus to the place to wait for shuttle bus to Singapore Korean International School~
When I went home, the whole trip took 2hours+ coz of same raining jam for bus5 and bus28 didn't arrive till I just give up waiting and took some other bus instead. Really shouldn't have took buses home, wasted my time sia...
And I survived with 2 pieces of Oat biscuits the whole till I reach back home for dinner~
wow, so today I have only ate 2 pieces of Oat biscuits and Vegetarien Chicken Rice(Dinner)~

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