Saturday, October 5, 2013

Batam; Misconceptions, Avava and Haunted House

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Jiu Jiu(My uncle who is mum's younger brother) told my mum that I might turn bad easily if I really go Korea to study and blah blah blah~ Alright, he really doubts my behaviour~lol I think I know myself better than he know me~ I'm super confident that I wouldn't!Even without my parents living with me~
Another misconception..For once, someone doubted my gender~wow
A friend of my relatives or someone asked my mum this "so this(pointing at me) is a male or female?"~ coz my mum told him that she have a daughter(which is Me) and a son. So I'm definitely a female~

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I went to Avava with Vivian's grandma and my mum to get makeup's stuffs. Since I remember there do sell a lots of makeup stuffs. I manage to find the stuffs I want after comparing the colours. These stalls which I asked them to take out boxes of eye shadow to show me and I ended up didn't buy, must be hating me baa~
After we went back to Vivian's house, Vivian they all came back from Moro! Eventually, I went to Kepri Mall with her and her little brother to go to the Haunted House(entrance fee only around S$2) with Hospital concept there~to be honest, I'm quite nervous before entering~ but hor as soon as we went in it was like pit-black~One of the staff from outside came in with a touch light  and led us in the Haunted House lol~ That staff walked quite fast though~Most of path was super dark that we can heard the "Ghosts" talking in ghostly tone(in Bahasa Indonesia which I can barely understand) and cannot see them most of the times~
There was once I went to touch this "ghost" 's hair, and pull it, it's a wig so it fell off abit~ and I ran off to Vivian there(she was quite infront)~ yes his/her wig actually fell off(but abit la)~HAHHAHAHA OMG! The wig damh dry and tingling though~*Why u no take care of your own wig*
Overall it was not what I have expected, so I had a fun of fun instead of feeling scary.
Vivian kept saying "Stop it" in Bahasa Indonesia(basic word, so I understand) when she was in the haunted house with us~ she told me that the haunted house not so scary since we can't see anything most of the time but when they("ghosts") kept using that type of voice while you can't see them, it's abit scary~
After Haunted House, initially we planned to watch "Insidious Chapter 2" de but Vincent(Vivian's brother prefer others)~ Since I haven't watch Insidious before, I might not understand what happened in Chapter2 although horror film is my fav~ We ended up watching 3D Version of "Gravity"~Vivian and us only realised that it's 3D when we saw our 3D glassses~HAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!!
 Most of the scenes in "Gravity" took place in outer space, quite amazing, I wonder how they film and edit~ the pace of story is rather slow for me though it's amazing as I have never seen this type of movie before~

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