Tuesday, October 8, 2013


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Some photos from the photoshoots taken by Onii-chan! Guess the concept~~~lol
Onii-chan asked me today(during this morning or afternoon I dun rmb when arh) if I'm free for my photoshoot tonight~then I was like wow, okies I'm free~
This is a non-cosplay photoshoot(concept;punk rock/hip hop style)~lol the clothes I worn was kindda nowhere near punk rock or hip hop~ Idk..
I tried my best already since I forgot to bring the "leather" jacket I planned to wear~
The night shots were rather nice! Onii-chan helped me take from 7.30 to 8.30pm(since he need to leave for work) and Kang Lin helped me take afterward~ With Kang Lin, we tried reflection shot!but I left alots of prints on the glass~
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*my uneven eyelids*
Can say that my makeup today is totally FAIL~
To be honest, I wasn't really confident with my makeup coz I kenna laughed this 2 strangers in the MRT~lol I bb cream till too white and the uneven eyelids done by that 2 layers of false eyelashes(that makes me change the side of my left side fringe to the right instead)...
During the shoot, I have like limited poses to pose, pose till don't know what to pose...hahaha! Cool concept not easy huh.
I tried to smirk and I looks damh funny, it's doesn't work unless I self-shot using front camera~HAHAHAAHHAAHA

When Onii-chan was walking at the water playground, he kenna water pour on him...and he was half wet~ omg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
*Beware of water*
Onii-chan, today really xin ku ni le~

Off Topic~~~just wanna show off my new thing!
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My new stuffs bought in Batam~ S$20++ only~
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