Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dinner Date with Samantha and Si Man~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!

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I reached Nex 10minutes earlier than the meeting time~~~After Si Man came, we shop shop around and then went to Pastamania book seat first~Eventually Samantha came after "awhile"~
We were like chatting before food come and chatting while eating too till I almost forgot that Onii-chan is coming to meet me~ till I suddenly rmb and checked my hp, heng I checked and phoned back~
Onii-chan actually came to meet awhile to collect sth, and I didn't realise that he was wearing the same shirt he worn yesterday till he says himself "It's not that I didn't change clothes, was wearing sth else before changing into this. gonna wash it after this." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG!Self admit~
When I'm on my way home, I actually waited at the wrong bus stop for like 30minutes.... lol Initially I saw the bus board, didn't notice that there is no bus81 at this side lol till I suddenly remember that there is no bus81 since last year or last last year~ No wonder waited for so long still no bus81~

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