Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shopping on Lunar New Year Eve with Bryan~Gelato(Ice Cream)~Bryan's Birthday present~

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My handmade Present for Bryan's Birthday: You can either use it as a ankle or "bracelet" since it's kindda long~
I tried my best but it doesn't seem as nice as I wanted it to be~Glad that you like it~
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The Butterscotch Gelato I have treated him!
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 The Black Sesame Gelato for myself~ It's a little too sweet though~
After trying 3 flavours(before buying that time), I actually throw the used spoons at wrong place, omg and I don't even remember what colour were they...sorry to anyone who happened to get that 3 spoons~no choice~
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Additional stuffs we can add for free as much as we want on our Gelato!
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3 Selcas of us!!!
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Sorry, I wasn't that early today~~~Anyway, Happy Day with Bryan! I bought a Eyeliner Brush(it's made from Recycled stuffs!) from Watson, so I still own Bryan $7~~~~
I guess mum was being exaggerating, they are still food stalls opened~

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