Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mum wanna be a young grandmother~Hmm... impossible~

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Mum was like chatting with me, she asked me if I have a boyfriend(Obviously no~)  and about her worries about my younger brother(if he can get a girlfriend like in the future or not, coz he's very quiet)~
together with that she talked about how late she got married and give birth to us which led to her being old(40sth yrs old old meh?Not baa~) now when we're grown up~
She talked about how Vivian's mum can be so young and have such a grown up kids(Vivian and Yong Zhen) too~ and ...Vivian having a boyfriend + Yong Zhen having a girlfriend~ 
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Suddenly link to how Vivian's mum can be a young grandmother, if they(Vivian or her bro) married early~ WOW~Can't really imagine Vivian taking care of her baby~
Alright, Mum, I know you're like hinting me to faster go get a boyfriend and faster get married and give birth~ However, I wun get married so early one or else I wun get married, that's it! As for boyfriend, haiis... .... ........... ......... ............. I Have No Ideas~ 
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