Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Matching up my CNY Clothes~

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My legs looks short wearing this dress, my hair totally don't match the dress..Anyway, with a change of hairstyle and a pair of heels will work so ya!
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Overall, I(Problem is due to my face) failed to bring out how swag this denim outer is, but still I love it~Neon Orange skinny!(due to my big butt, I have no choice but to buy this size38, it's suppose to be for height:165cm de girl...So I'm suppose to grow till about 165cm one! >ㅁ<)
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My slightly saggy arm lol~(Fats sagged..Resulted for not exercising(dance) for long)
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Oh ya, I've pointed to those studs I've just added through sewing~!!!!I've only added one side since  I don't think I will have anymore time to continue sewing~Cone Studs!
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*Trying to act like a little girl* Eww~HAHAHAHAHA! I think it looks quite alright with the hood on~Without hood on...Err...Don't know if it matches or just plain weird~
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Should get back to study real soon!Korean Language,MPI and DCNT...~끝~

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