Monday, February 11, 2013

My Childhood Friends~

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I have this 2 childhood friends(They are sibling), and we have just met in the bus yesterday~
I always wanted to go their house to bai nian and finally got to go just now(I suggested de~)~~
At first I was being awkward and kept quiet, then started to chat with their father about school...Till quite some time then started to talk to one of my childhood friend~ and realise that he loves animes and seems to be addicted to animes!WOW~His room's wall is something like my room(Filled with posters or sortta look like posters), just that for his case is animes, for my case is KPOP Idols!
Well I have too much interest: KPOP , Animes, Cosplay, Dance in general anyway~

so sad that we have to go back as soon as when I met his younger sister and didn't talk much with her~ OnO

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