Tuesday, December 3, 2013

~My IntermediateTOPIK result~

~My IntermediateTOPIK result~
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Translate for people who don't understand Korean Language:
Exam Level:Intermediate
Vocabulary&Grammer: 43/100
Writing: 23/100
Listening: 19/100
Reading/Comprehension: 37/100
Score: 122/400
Average Mark: 30.5
Level: nothing
I knew it that I will fail it, but it kindda disappointing to know that I failed it SO BADLY~
I know my listening is always the worst when I practised but 19Marks for Listening is so LOW! I'm actually quite happy with my Vocabulary&Grammer result(Since I focused on study them more)~Although it's still a fail grade but since I have never completed the whole intermediate Korean language, it's good enough..
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I SHOULD HAVE JUST STICK TO TAKING BEGINNER LEVEL, Confirm can pass/distinction one~ I'm confident! OWO
Anyway, nevermind~ I shall try Intermediate again when I'm more ready after studying further in Intermediate? Since I only stopped at Intermediate Level2~

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