Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Common Test ended, then gai gai with Bryan! *Spam Pictures*

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Had my last common test from 9am to 10am today~ DSP paper definitely feel much easier than DAVT paper~
After paper, I met Bryan to go gai gai~!!!Suntec's H&M first to get Bryan's skinny~He bought 3 skinny~~~ Almost tempted to buy that beanie there but well, no $...

Then Bugis Street->Haji Lane
Meanwhile in Haji Lane...
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 *What's that?*                                       *ARHHHHHH!!!*
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*Resting our feet*                            *Do I looks like a fly?*
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*Fail attempt to take selca with lanes*  *Bryan's skillful selca*

After Haji Lane, we actually went to Raffles Xchange for Etude's sales~Errr, went all the way there and ended up just buying a lip balm~HAHAHAHA

Dinner at Subway back in Suntec City lol...(since there is nothing to eat in Raffles Place)

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~Our fabulous legs~
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Happy Working tomorrow, Bryan!!!!!!!

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