Thursday, December 5, 2013

DAVT Common Test Paper OAO WHY LIKE THAT*around 20marks confirm gone*

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I just had DAVT Common Test in the evening at 5pm... Wa....SO Many Theory Questions~ SO DIFFERENT from last semester's DAVT Common Test Paper~ I feel that it's much more difficult than last semester's DAVT Common Test Paper eh!!! 
I cannot even finish it, I left 2 questions(only manage to calculate and write down question 3.2 part(i) answer without working lol) which worth 20marks in total, blank~
I tried doing that 2 questions after exam... I know exactly how to do the whole question 3.2!!! Question 3.3 is indeed difficult, but if I have more time to try it, I can get at least some method marks baa?
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At least I have somethings to be so-called be glad about...: I actually remembered what I had memorizing hard for the past few days, and they(what I have memorized) all were all needed in the exam~ The diagram I have last minutes memorized last night and right before the exam also came up in the paper... Wow...

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