Friday, September 13, 2013

Last Day in Tioman *Ice Ball* *Rock Fall* *Back to Singapore*

We went rockfall(mini waterfall?Idk~) 
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Mini Crabs with Orange Claws~~~~~ *CUTE!!!*
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*Walking to Rockfall*                         *Wen Bin~~~*
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With San Lian!
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*Group Photos while sitting on the rocks*
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> w < *Apple sooooooooo cute!!*
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*His Man-made waterfall wasn't really successful*
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Ya, it wasn't~
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Yeah!                                                    Yo!
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My selcas~~~~~
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*Make "Waterfall" in process*
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Ah Boy in the House!
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*doing idols' standard pose*
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*the flower is like Heart Shape one*

And then walk walk at the beach area~~~
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*The thin wood stick is breaking soon*HAHAHA
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Apple running after the rest while I was still leisurely walking behind~

And then ate Ice Ball for dessert~Initially we wanted to have lunch after our dessert but ended up our 2pm ferry was cancelled and have to rush to the jetty to take the 1pm(don't rmb the exact time) ferry without having lunch~
And we spent almost whole day travelling from Tioman back to Singapore~So tiring...
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My ice ball~~~~~~~                               Yong Jing's "artistic" ice ball~
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10+pm then reach home~
I'm already missing snorkeling and the happy times we had spent in Tioman~ Sian...Now have to face the reality that I'm working tomorrow... *Yawn*
Oh ya I brought those free "souvenirs" from Tioman back to to Singapore:
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*They are healing*
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*Sunburn+wounds causes by Corals+Sandfly bites* worst combi ever! itchy die me!!!!!
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Dead coral and shells!!!!!!! Pretty cool right the "chocolate" looks alike shells~

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