Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day3 in Tioman~ *Waterfall*

It was raining in the morning-early afternoon~So we can't do much thing, we basicially play card game and nua till we booked the speed boat to go to Waterfall~
Early in the morning take photos~~~
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I'm like so "bright" here~hehes~
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*The cross again*and guess who's behind~
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when "Sadako" have a long brown hair instead~~~
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With Shi Ting~~~ OUO V                    With Apple and Yong Jing added
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This photo looks like got storylines one~
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Yong Jing glared at "Sadako": Why use my brown hair dye?!
"Sadako": I'm gonna hunt u~~~*Ignoring Yong Jing*
Wen Bin: Arhhhhhhhh~~~~
*Epic Scene* HAHAHAHAHA!
At the Waterfall area~ We took Speed Boat again today, not to snorkel but to go to the Huge Waterfall somewhere in Tioman~The sea was rather high tide and very wavy, it make it more thrill to be on the speed boat! Thus, the boat was very very jumpy~*I like*
When the speed boat was a distance to reach that place, I wasn't holding onto anything~We were like doing something like "whoever holds the bar, lose~" ~In the end, Yong Jing lose coz he seems to forget that it's still ongoing~HAHAHAHAHA YAY!
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The waterfall is really quite inside and have to climb through using rocks~Only get to put legs in the water, it's like natural cold and drinkable(I guess?) one~ *Do I sounds like a city idiot who have never seen a natural Waterfall before?* I really didn't see before~ It tastes like mineral water, but it's sweeter~
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Awhile later I went to the higher part of the waterfall with Yong Jing, it's further up, super inside and quite tedious to get there~But worth the trip~ I went into the side part of the Waterfall since the water is not too deep and urgent~Only the mainstream was flowing super fast~I actually went in and out the water twice, at the 2nd time I almost got "stirred in" the mainstream coz I was too near to mainstream~
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*Taken before going Waterfall*            My " Kwang Su's mouth "
After we're back from Waterfall... ...
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*That Expression... I like~*
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Apple's Stylist Hairstyle~~~
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YO!!!!!! Apple in the house!
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Centre parting with Apple before bathe~
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                                                                         After bathe!
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Our last sunset spent in Tioman~
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San Lian, Si Man, Apple, me, Yong Jing, Shi Ting and Wen Bin!
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lol bro where's you neck?HAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!
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Using down-up angle coz using up-down angle to take self-shot is way to mainstream~~~

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Si Man~~~
*Doesn't this looks artistic?*
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 *Drawing Circles*

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*That was my new slipper which looks like toilet slipper*
My slipper spoilt yesterday's night~
While Keng Huah's slipper spoilt on Day1 night~(If I didn't rmb wrongly)
And San Lian's slipper spoilt on Day1 morning~
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Dinner time!!!!!!
Dining infront of the Evening Sky~~~~~~~~Beautiful~~~
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