Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day2 in Tioman! *Snorkeling in clear deep sea* *speed boat*

SNORKELING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day when we have gotten sunburnt and sandfly bites(maybe it's only si man and I who gotten the bites?)~
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Before we all set off to take Speed Boat and Snorkel~~~*Testing camera*
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*Actual shot* lol
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*Ready for snorkeling?*
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oh This is soooooooooooo bright~~~
How good if I can bring my camera along to film down all the stuffs I have seen in the clear deep sea... But I can't coz my camera not waterproof lol~We took speed boat and stopped at 5 different places~
Riding in a Speed Boat is sooooooooooooooooooo thrill and windy~~~~*Kept putting my hand out to feel sea water hitting against my hand* I love the speed!!!
Can't remember much about the first and second location where the speed boat stopped for us to snorkel~~~ I just jumped down from the boat and snorkeled~ Seems like the further I snorkeled the more the amount of sea creatures~ I saw a light blue fish which was like so cute that I followed it for awhile~~~
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Taken by Shi Ting~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Are We Recognizable?

Third location was where we ate our lunch~well, my lip feel so salty after being in the sea for so long, and that actually made me have the feel that my fried rice taste very salty~lol HAHAHAHAHA
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Taken from Shi Ting's camera~The Beautiful sea water and sands~~~The sand that was rather warm/hot and fine~~~pretty place~
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me orh~
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Group photos!!!!!!!!!

And aiyo my "good brother" Yong Jing actually dragged into the sea forcefully and which made me tio scratched by dead corals in the sea once also..More wounds added on...
Ok la, I'm not angry~Never mind it's not your fault, don't feel too guilty, no one knows I will fell on dead corals~lol
Forth location was more like super deep sea where you can't see where is the bottom~Really nothing much to see there where snorkeling~~~
5th Location was the coolest among all, it's also a very deep sea just that I still can see where is the bottom~It's where we can see Jellyfish and Young Shark here if we are lucky~Shi Ting and San Lian saw Young Shark swan by them, it's like omg so lucky and it's cool eh!!!!!! I'm unlucky enough to not see Young Shark like them but the process of a fish pooping AGAIN~Why do I have to see fish pooping so up close again OMG... ...*it pooped such a long stretch piece of shit*Ew enough of describing fish's shits~ Meanwhile there were a lots of other pretty rainbow colored fishes and smaller troops of fishes~
Quite surprise that Yong Jing actually scare of this deep sea(which we can see the bottom of the sea) rather than the previous super deep sea(which we can't see where is the bottom at all)~

After we were back from Snorkeling... ...while waiting for my turn to bathe...Took photos again~~~
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Sunburnt liao~~~
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*Why is that guy in the picture?!* hhaahhahahaa lol

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