Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day9: Korean roles play and Korean Exam! Visited Lotte World! Last Dinner in Korea and 노래방 with 희정!

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한국시험이 보기 후에 은정선생님함께 우리가 사진을 찍었어요.
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오늘에 마지막 수업이에요... 하나선생님께서 마지막 수업을 가르쳤어요. 그리고 우리가 안았어요~
수업후에 아짐함께 한국어 구술 시험 했어요!너~~~~~~~무 재미있었어요!!!!
그리고 쓰기 시험도 어렵지 않아요~ 
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"Lotte World Star Avenue" 갔어요!        Super Junior's hand prints~ Btw Dong Hae's hand is small!
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~~~Mr Jang Geun Suk~~~
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We're in LOTTE WORLD!!!!!The indoor part though~
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I see Brownie almost everywhere in Korea~
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Parts of the Indoor Roller Coaster~I've took this indoor roller coaster with Azhim and Samuel~Much Fun but my head kept hitting onto the plastic(the seat) behind my head(pain sia lol) while the roller coaster move and change direction fast~
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I like this Viking ride, the slope it will go up is rather steep(AWESOME Thrill)!
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Finally we're going out~the Magic Island(outdoor part of Lotte World)! 

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Pretty bridge!
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I thought this will be damh thrilling and fun since it's super high~However, this ride was damh disappointing, not scary at all~
It's just slowly go up till the Top and Drop down fast and then To our Surprise...It ended just like that~lol no wonder no quene here!
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Atlantis was fun and it's like roller coaster I think?
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We're all taking "Atlantis"! Mr Teo, 엄선생님, Azhim, Samuel and I!
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Shuya joined us last minutes after realising that we're actually queuing for "Atlantis"!
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We're waiting for our turn to ride the "Mop"~~~
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And this is the "Mop"~Actually we set something like "Whoever scream first will have to treat the other two drinks"~Well... none of us ended up screaming.. I guess?
It was damh cool to ride on the "Mop" , especially the view!!!!^ㅅ^
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Bungee Drop? I think so~
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The way I have taken this is damh artistic~
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"Dry Ice" Ice Cream?I don't know the actual name~
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The different flavours~
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Shuya bought it to share with us!!!
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그옥수수 정말 예쁘고 맛있게 보여요 !   

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한국에 마지막 저녁 식사
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Yakult Cheers~!
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희정과 Valerie와 사진을 찍었어요!
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선생님들이 같이 사진을 찍었어요~!!!(A pictures with all the 선생님~!!!)
After Dinner, we went to Supermarket, first time in Korea's Supermarket even though it's like the last day already~
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Meow~!!!That familiar kittens who fly in KBS!!!!
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The whole columb of RAMEN!!!!!

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문준원(Moon Joo Won)!!!
After we left the supermarket, we went to 노래방(Something like KBOX in singapore)!!!~~~~So Happy!!! 
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Wei Sheng's turn to sing!
I have sang a few songs(Alice, SHINee's songs etc) too~ Looking at the remote control with all the Korean words was kindda stress though~It's like the Washing Machine in the Dorm: Filled with Korean Words!HAHAAHAHA!
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A picture taken with Samuel, Valerie, Wei Sheng, Charmaine, Shawn and 희정 before leaving 노래방!
희정is so sweet, wrote a card for us(Shawn, Valerie, Wei Sheng and I) each~~~~ and Thank for the treat for 노래방!!!
the 노래방 here consider quite cheap(abt$21or $23 an hour) as compared to Singapore's normal KBOX price~

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