Friday, March 1, 2013

Day3:Visited National Museum of Korea(where Running Man ep48 was filmed) and dinner and Coffeebean with 희정!

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This Kimbap was suppose to be my breakfast(Vegetarien)~ However after 1 slice of it, HAM was spotted~of course stopped eating~and gotten Bread instead~
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 Lunch~ Curry Omelette Rice + Cornflake Strawberry Salad~
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Taken inside the Cafe 115 st with Valerie!
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Taken outside the Cafe 115 st with Valerie!

Next, we were at The Outside Of the National Museum Of Korean~Checked from Shawn's phone, It was 2degree celcius(and feel like -2degree celcius) in Korea but it was 34degree celcius in Singapore(and feel like 39degree celcius)!HAHAHAHAHHA! lol It's true that it was really damh cold today!

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Memories of Watching Running Man episode 48!!!!!! Glad to be here though it was like abt 2yrs ago~
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I love this!Artistic~!
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Some pretty stuffs here~~
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First thought of seeing 기대 here, and thought it's anticipate but no it wasn't~Korean language seriously have a lots of words with different meaning~
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Again, those 2 each contains fish~ So I stopped eating after a few spoons~ T m T I'm so sorry fishies..
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Kimchi Pancake(It tastes more like Roti Prata with Vege)~맛있어요!!!
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 I don't remember what is this known as~ The chief must be lovesick while making this~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!
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They all drink 막걸리(Rice Wine?), I drink water! T u T
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 Korean "Sprite"!
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Taken in the shop where we had our dinner and watched Music Bank(on their TV)~ Sistar won SHINee though~(Anyway it's just the first week, so SHINee have part of the score:0 due to first week)
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Outside National Museum!                   Outside the Cafe for Lunch today!
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In the shop for Dinner with 희정~        this was with 김선생님added in~
After Dinner we went to CoffeeBeans to chit chat~~~And It's so cool that a Korean like 희정 speak Bahasa Indonesia so well~ My mother is a Indonesian and I can't speak Bahasa Indonesia...Neither can I speak Korean as well as her Bahasa Idonesia~
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Finally know how to use the washing machine today!!! Btw it's totally in Korean!

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