Saturday, May 25, 2013

KCC Dance Audition again~ Oh well...Confident level do affect me

Was super exhausted to start off the day with...head wasn't working well, rather hard to forcus...Maybe that's just an excuse for myself
To make it worst for today, I haven't been dancing for quite a period of time. I know that there will be Freestyling part, I have prepared it but ended it doesn't suits the song played..so DDANG it, my prepared parts not used~ And I got no confident to do a really freestyle freestyle ever since I failed last year...I mainly stand down there only most of the time during freestyles... nervous like siao~ It must be super hilarious to see me doing "Maxstep"+freestyles today.

Actually I was rather shocked to hear that the song is "Maxstep".. first thing come to mind... I've seen the dance once...SO HARD...+I have only heard the song a few times before only! I'm doom.
We learnt a part "Maxstep"(was taught for around20minutes?) 30minutes before the actual audition...I'm still a slow learner, still can't catch the steps before audition...

I was guessing a few songs for today, but ended up both songs today are from SM Ent one(I was definitely hitting onto the wrong points). lol
If I really get through the audition, it's really miracle sia~
*Not much confident*

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