Thursday, May 2, 2013

Just received my skirt, so COSTEST TIME for Yozora!!!!!!!

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Full costume without sock and shoes(Coz I'm at home ya~)~
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annoying wig after I didn't keep properly~    I can't pose like Yozora... my face so chubby OmO
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Act cute ney~                                        I know this is ugly~Well I posted this up anyway
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To be honest, I didn't comb her hair so...
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 Yeah........ Hopefully I know how to really contour my face.
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This picture looks awesome in this direction~So don't rotate your laptop or sth~
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Gay Face~                                             TADAH Costume only~~~~~~~
*The lens is suppose to be purple, but I haven't open the lens, so I just use blue for costest.*
Kindda regret getting Yozora's costume, I realise I don't fit well as her... My face is too fat(If I exercise, my facial fat better go away!!!!!!!!) and childish for her. And one problem with me, I don't know how to act a fierce facial expression.

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