Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cure Cosplay with Eleanor and Bryan~

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My Twin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She's damh friendly!!!!!
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Something wrong with my eyelashes is it? Pictures with Bryan and Eleanor before we leave!
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The 2 girls met in the backstage~I guess they are friendly people~
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Really small Conan, he's small size in the manga/anime too, he fit well!
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Just realise he's that same person eleanor and I saw in STGCC 2012   So Happy To See Cute Rikka from "chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai"
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*Pretty Sakura* Childhood memories..   She's damh pretty, no wonder tio photobomb like crazy!

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I went the Cure Cosplay Audition today as Kobato from "boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai"~ Failed much when my eyelashes glue dried out when I'm trying to use it today...Being the lazy me, I didn't use eyelashes glue for too long(3month ago) and the glue was stored in house since 2years ago...
Luckily got Eleanor!
I was supposed to reach the venue at 1pm to attend the briefing but I got lost in MBS Shoppes for quite long which led to me missing the briefing~ Without attending the briefing damh lost can! But thanks to the staffs who tell me what to do and where to go~I only know that I have to have 5poses on stage, but I don't know how to do the walk. so I walked in the stage when the cosplayers infront of me haven't end their walk, I felt super duper awkward(although that I got posed when a camera or 2 aimed me) standing there blurr-ly. After them, I finally walked through, pose, pose,pose, pose and pose with my trembling hands/fingers despite trying to control myself not to tremble~ I'm Damh Retarded sia... I have walked to the wrong side of the stage to exit from stage. T x T 
I went to try to find Eleanor and Bryan without having my mobile phone with me...Hard to find them without it...Because there were Tons of Human there! Found them after texting them~but after awhile I was back on stage for group photos, I feel so odd standing with all the cosplayers on stage~
I feel so sorry that I didn't really accompany Eleanor and Bryan much... 
Nice to know Tinnie and Takako Kurohime(her fb name)!

After leaving the cosplay venue, we went to Millienia Walk for Dinner~ Eleanor left at about 5plus pm to meet her friends~Bryan and I ended up here drinking BubbleTea, my pearl pudding milktea tasted normal till I get to bite the pudding, wa nice!
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Our "Awkward" Smiles?
Despite that "귀요미" season is over, we decide to pose for fun~~~~
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1 (일) 더하기 1(일)은 귀요미~2 (이) 더하기 2(이)는 귀요미~(1+1=gwiyomi, 2+2=gwiyomi)
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3 (삼) 더하기 3(삼)은 귀요미~4 (사) 더하기 4(사)는 귀요미~(3+3=gwiyomi, 4+4=gwiyomi)
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5 (오) 더하기 5(오)는 귀요미~6 (육) 더하기 6(육)은 귀요미~(5+5=gwiyomi~ , 6+6=gwiyomi)
I love this picture personally!!!!!!!

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