Wednesday, January 9, 2013

*~School~**~~Sending off Jerry at Airport to NEW ZEALAND~~*

Woke up early at 6.50am to go for MPI Consultation, I missed the SHUTTLE BUS AGAIN(like yesterday).Today's MPI Consultation was rather useful, I hope I can derive MPI Lab Trial Test2 answers correctly by myself~ However, I'm still afraid that I will fail the actual MPI Lab Test...Since I almost failed my EDPDR Lab Test1~ OmO 54marks only...At least a pass but my EDPDR grade wun be good then~~~
Me and my forever lousy in doing Practical/Lab, I definitely do better in Theory(Exam/Test) wor~~~
Idea Launchpad 's project DONE, Presentation DONE and I'm DONE with Idea Launchpad module, YAY!!!NO MORE IL!!!(means I don't need to come to school on Wednesday already...Unless I have questions about MPI~)But I wun be seeing Misraya, Desmond, Shu Ying, Khine and Jeremy that often liao, we've made alots of fun memories doing projects together and we're the best!

Tired much from School though~~~Exhausted but... ...
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I went the Airport to send Jerry off, he's going back to New Zealand today~Nice Airport's Fashion Yeah!And your(Jerry's) rap not bad huh! Don't miss me too much ar, since we can't really contact each other when you're back at New Zealand~! Don't know how many times you(Jerry) have told me to get a Smartphone so that I can WhatsApp you, HAHAHA! Paiseh, it's not that I don't one a Smartphone, it's that, they are currently no Smartphones for me to choose for while being 'Anti-Touchscreen' and 'Anti-tiny keypads'~ So I cannot guarantee to you that I will own a Smartphone the next time you come Singapore~HAHAHAHHAHA!!!
Enjoy you trip back to New Zealand, have a safe landing ya!I'm sure you'll have Jet lag, rest well!Wonder if you'll see this or not~
Yeah I'm the Special Great Friendly Friend Of Your's~~~~

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