Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bring Jerry to "Tour" around Tampines and Movie(CZ12)!!!

Met at 11.30am with Jerry~ Off to Food Court to eat lunch together!It has been long time since I last ate there though, as usual that vegetarien store's food wasn't very tasty~
After lunch, went Tampines Mall to buying the movie tickets of "CZ12"~~~Thank for the treat Jerry!
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Shopping around~~~In X Craft/ 77th Street(forgot which shop already), tried a super duper cool cap with studs, and it was uselessly expensive($40sth), not worth it for such an expensive price as Bugis have it at like $10/$15 only!

As for "CZ12", the movie was totally cool and hilarious~ I usually dislike action genre movie but always like to watch Jackie Chan's action genre as it will always having much comedy parts combine with the super dope action!This time round too, awesome!I love the flying in the sky and dropping into the wrecked ship scenes, so hilarious! The gay pirate or sortta kept wearing such a feminine-looking hat, it's purple somemore, aiyo! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

And Jerry, once again, I'm not a stalker alright! OUO Don't miss me too much when you go back New Zealand on wednesday~HAHAHAHAHA! 
If the timing allows, I will come and send you off on wednesday~

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