Friday, June 3, 2016

First trip to Vegetarian Korean Restaurant: Boneless Kitchen with Antricia

I actually went all the way to Jalan Bukit Merah last time with Jerry to eat dinner at "Boneless Kitchen", but the shop where "Boneless Kitchen" was at, was emptied. OAO I was like is the business very bad here that it need to be closed down?

And up till recently, I met Jerry again, and he told me that "Boneless Kitchen" is now at Taiseng~~ OMG YAY!!! (Jerry, let's eat there again when you're free.)
So I asked Antricia along to go there to eat lunch together!!!
While waiting for food to come, we were like high over those kpop they play~ A lots of familiar songs!
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Good stuff~~

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I have ordered 순두부찌개(Soft Tofu Stew) and Antricia ordered 잡채(Stir fried Sweet Potato Noodles with Sesame oil and vegetables).~
순두부찌개 is really nice,except for that Enokitake in there, it's quite difficult to bite off OAO bite for very long omg. It's spicy de! I tried the radish kimchi, I LOVE THE TASTE the sour and spicy level is just right! I think their kimchi will be even better(but haven't try before).
I'll be back again OU< for the 짜장면, 김치볶음밥, and the 부대찌개... AND ALSO THE 김치! Although it's rather pricey, since this is the one and only vegetarian Korean food place, why not~~~(but I will only go there when I have the money first.)

After this, we went to a cafe (I don't remember the cafe name but it's nearby Boneless Kitchen).
We tried Bubble Waffles~~
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