Monday, June 6, 2016

First Day of work~ My first full-time job~

Finally ended my Full-time Holiday, proceed to to my full-time job~~~ This is my first full-time job, it's an admin(Korean Language) role~ It's only a temp job, over a period of only 6 months. Before this, I have been always working event jobs(my longest event job was only a week.)
It's my first day of work (I had a lot of first day of work before), but the feeling is different... I was so nervous... That I tried to learn how use Excel, and familiarize myself with the Korean words I might need to know for my work. I actually woke up at 3.30am thinking that it was 6.30am, I brushed my brush at 3.30am...and went back to sleep after I saw the time >A<. Woke up at 4.30am again to look at the time and fell back asleep again.
I love how convenience is it for me to get to my workplace from home, it's around only 45mins using one direct bus.
So, I went to work and the people there are nice~ ^W^ And I met a Korean colleague who teaches me what I'm suppose to do, she's very nice and she got so excited and introduced me to almost everyone in the office(so that I wun feel out of place). But I only remember around 3 names hahahahaha! Sorry though~
Boss asked me to join them for lunch, so I went~ And eventually I found out that she loves BIG BANG AND iKON, AND SHE'S GOING FOR iKONCERT SINGAPORE TOO OMG!!! Such cool to meet another iKONIC at my workplace, which was totally unexpected >W<
Well, I adapted well, for work and new friends~ I see why I'm a Pisces.

Although I have this nice Korean colleague sitting right beside me, I was holding myself back to speak to her in Korean language.
I have this thing with me->I don't dare to speak Korean with a Korean. Coz my Korean pronunciation is so terrible. Just right I'm going back, I say "안녕히계세요" to her. And she was just so happy and started spamming me with sentences in Korean >W< I understood all and replied~~
But I accidentally used informal form in one of my sentences, omg jialat. That's why I don't dare to speak Korean OAO

Oh ya, as for my job, it's pretty much similar stuff over and over again...BUT I HAVE TO BE REALLY CAREFULLY WITH NUMBERS SINCE IT deals with money and there are alots of different types of Invoices. The steps of Reg and Urg Pay cycle are really tedious...Sorry if I'm a burden for you guys...

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