Sunday, June 5, 2016


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I wonder how do people take taxi as frequent as taking public transport. There are people who can cab every now and then.
I avoid taking taxi at all cost... Even if I'm late for school or something else, carrying sibpei heavy luggage and bags, or lost my way, I never take taxi.
I dislike taking taxi when I'm the one who need to pay... *stare* O_O at the meter fares the whole trip. Yes, the whole trip.
And when I don't have enough cash for it ....OAo.... *panic* when the taxi haven't even reach my destination.
I extremely hate the extra charges...especially when I only know it last minutes like right before I have to pay... The price just have to jump uppppp.. >A<

But when I don't have to pay for the taxi ride, OWO Despite feeling abit in debt to those people(esp toward friends), *everything is good* as long as it will reach my destination.

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