Friday, December 18, 2015

Korea Trip Day 0 Singapore->Taiwan->KOREA->OUR Mapo-gu office APARTMENT *Tired but very happy*

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I think I just "killed" myself with so many schedules(average of 2 places to go each day) from the day after last EXAM ended to the day before the Korea trip. I squeezed my midnight to finalize again(after Antricia and I confirmed the places we will be going in Korea) our itinerary and also, how to get there. It took me quite some time to find the stations from the SUBWAY MAP and also search for directions online. I did it till the very last night(16th dec) in Singapore,. On 17th dec when I'm suppose to meet Antricia at the airport in the morning, I'm totally exhausted. Argh, and so sorry for the delay in finalizing the itenerary.
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I guess this expressions make a good description in the super long plane flight from Singapore to Korea+the traffic jam(aka plane jam)... HAHAHAHAHA
Setting off from Singapore by SCOOT~~~~ Our dinner is a whole packet of bread, and biscuits~THE BREAD Antricia's bought is super tastyyyyyyyyy~~~~
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The changing sky~~~~
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~~~~Transiting in Taiwan~~~~ My first time breathing Taiwan Air~~~lol for only 1 hour/ lesser and we went back into plane and our plane got stuck in the plane queue(Plane jam) for 45minutes because there is one lane opened for planes to fly out of Taoyuan airport. It was on the number 10 row OAO

When we reached Incheon International Airport, it's already very late at night on 18th December. First thing in my mind, GET THE SUBWAY MAP from information counter~~~HAHAHAHA So the first Korean(in this trip) I spoke to in Korean was the guy at the counter. I asked for the map and he took it out and asked me where I'm going. I struggled hard to tell him that I'm not using the subway now and I just wanna keep it. lol stupid girl.
Oh and then we waited for our host's husband is come fetch us to the apartment blah blah blah
It was so awkward to pass him the presents immediately after he helped us with the luggage, OmO. It was a complete silent in the car... except for the navigation voice. I wanted to try to talk to him but I was too tired to think of anything and the car is way too stuffy and uncomfortable.
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I LOVE THE BED SHEET COLOURS AND IT'S CHECKEREDDDD~~~Our apartment have WIFI, bed, sofa, table, maps, TV(with CABLE TV), KITCHEN(stove, Microwave oven pots, utensils, kettle, fridge, seasonings, TEA and Coffee), huge closets, Toilet, mirrors and books(I don't think we need this)... We were given Olleh Egg(it's a portable WIFI) and T-Money(Something like EZ-Link cards)... lol they have selfies pod too. THIS APARTMENT IS GOOD!!!

We actually ate cup noodles for supper(super late in the midnight) HAHAHAHAHA before sleeping~~~ We on the air conditional at home btw~~

I'm thankful for Antricia settling to flights and apartment~~~ And omg she got the TV fixed (coz it was a blank and says no connection when we opened it.) It's all been good~~~
This is my very first time involving in really planning a itinerary (Because it's KOREA)..My second time being here~~~Wa, I guess I'm so lucky on my first time in Korea, because it's a school trip, and I just have to follow them hahahaha

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