Friday, September 25, 2015

Unmotivated in life and everything else

I feel tired and ugly recently...
I can't seems to do anythings... I don't feel like doing any school works anymore...
Can I even pass my last semester(/trimester) of uni?  GPA of 1.sth is pathetic, is Mass Comm and PR even suitable for me? Me who have lousy English probably wun make it anywhere in that field baa. Maybe I shouldn't further study and waste all those $ for uni....should have just go some company to become their Engineer/technician using my diploma since I studied that in poly?

I have been super busy for god knows what during the holiday and even after school reopen. When will I have time to meet my old friends and what we should do when we meet? I don't know anymore sia... It seems like we all have been drifted apart and I'm not that kind of friends who will initial meet up even though I want meet he/ she/ them badly because I miss them.
I also became more and more selfish... (ugly) and keep blaming others...(I don't say it out but ya, inside my head.)
I wanna spare more and more time for myself and my things then hanging around with someone else doing nothing. but that's lonely

People used to says that "When you're working, you have money but have no time. When you're studying, you have time but have no money.''<- This is not very true for me.... I realize that I basically have no time and no money. I'm poor like shit (not working and dad is poor too so I can't just ask $ from him) and busy like hell.

I better force myself to get things done soon!

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