Saturday, December 19, 2015

Korea Trip day 1 Worldcup Stadium supermarket and Insadong

on our TV...and...
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"You who came from the star" re-broadcast~~
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Kwangsu and casts talking the fishhead human(he acted as that) movie. He talked about how much time was spent each time he have to wear the fishhead and it's tough blah blah blah.
Watching TV in Korea is like testing a my korean... OTL I haven't been revising my Korean Language before I come.

It's -6degree celsius today
We got lost in our neighborhood area(This is normal okies, coz this is OUR FIRST TIME HERE) trying to find HomePlus(a supermarket nearby, it's quite a distance actually, but it's still near our house). And at the same looking out for a subway station but we cannot find Mapo-gu office subway station(although that it's said that it's only 2minutes walk from our house to the station). Fortunately, Worldcup subway station is directly beside the HomePlus we went.
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Btw HomePlus is really cool, it is a real huge supermarket right below WORLDCUP Stadium(A REAL STADIUM where stars held concerts or sportmans had sport competition there. This is the STADIUM where 2002 FIFA World Cup was held.) I mean...It's not common for a large supermarket to be located right below a stadium.
I actually forgot to bring plastic bags(I brought a lot of them from Singapore because I do not want to buy plastic bags in Korea supermarket.). OAO oh no
Let's just shop first..and think later...
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I didn't take much photos as we were busying shopping in the supermarket~~~HAHAHAHA
Hmm we actually bought like a packet of 6 bottles of 2 litres mineral water...that kindda "kill" us badly...coz we have to walk a long distance back home, and we have no plastic bag.
Other than that, I only brought a packet of 4 banana milks, a packet of jelly and 16(I actually don't rmb the exact number) mini breadssss. (I used the word "Only" coz Antricia bought more stuffs HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
The thing about buying the breadssss... there is a promoter down there for the bread part, and they have samples from each mini bread and it's on DISCOUNT. After trying the samples for the bread, I picked and put into the 16 breads plastic bag(Self-service de). And the promotor helped me to seal to plastic and added like 4 more breads for me and told that it's a "service". YAY TO 4 free breads hahahaha! Auntie I love you!
Then I realized...whenever Korean's sale person/shop owner give additional free stuffs, they will use this word: "서비스"(Service) as they give freebies.
To ask for free gift/s... Actually, you can this word "서비스".. But it will be better not to be so initiative baa.

I cannot imagine carrying those stuffs without plastic bags(The few plastic bags Antricia's brought are too small.) We tried buying one plastic bag from the supermarket for the mineral water...but they only have one size plastic bag, which is like too small for the 2litres giants. We went to the box area, to put the Mineral waters in the box then we can carry back home. 

After we went home, we came out again~~~ and walk back to Worldcut stadium station hahahaha omg
And we traveled to Angguk station(Insadong area)...
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Hi Mr Subway TV~, we met again after so long(2years)~
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Selfies in the subway~~
~When I was trying to look at the subway map in the subway...THE WORDS ARE JUST SO SMALL and TINY...We do wonder..
Thank goodness we have a subway map I took from a counter in airport~ it's easier to see.


First place to go to... "Bukchon Hanok Village"!!!
It is so farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from the subway station though and we got a little confuse where exactly it is at.
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Hmm we're here~~~ I didn't take much photos of the traditional houses, coz they are just around the same. But this shop is pretty~!
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Beautiful Sunset taken by me!Awesome right, I know~~

After Bukchon Hanok Village, we just walk down to the street toward Insadong... and...
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This shop is pretty~~~                      THE CHURRO FROM THIS SHOP IS SUPER DELICIOUS AND THE APPLE SAUCE just taste SO GOOD, VERY APPLE APPLE SAUCE!!! Real Churro sia, so much nicer than the one I ate in Singapore....

We somehow managed to get to the main Insadong street, thank to our luck and me HAHAHHAHAA

Next, Ssamji-gil Road (쌈지길) !

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Poop bun! It's only 1000won for one omg and it's so cute~ We didn't buy it though hahaha
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~Thank to a kind Korean who helped us took this~ *Sense of achievement asking Korean to help us in Korean*
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Abit regret that I didn't put on mine first to take selfies first. coz actually I waited for Antricia to wear together and thought maybe we can take a few selfies before the neoprint but coz the design she choose is very popular, she only got it the moment before right we start the neoprint. and after the neoprint she have to pass to another customer, her design is super popular and pretty.(it probably doesn't suit me, coz it's mature elegant style.)
meanwhile mine, pretty much nobody wear one. But it's super beautiful and so cute, I fell for the colourful sleeves~~~OU< If I get to buy a hanbok for myself, I'll get the colourful sleeves one~~
Btw the male's one also damh shuai, I wanna try too...but it's soooooooooooo huge and long
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Our neoprint~~~                              At 오세계향, a vegetarian restaurant very near 쌈지길~~~~
We have too little time to design     it is in an alley, all the way to the end.
them OAO...
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I FINALLY GET TO EAT VEGETARIAN 짜장면!!!~ Since the real one is mainly made of pork..
AND OMG FREE Tea and side dishes again~~~OUO V It's Brown rice tea

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us while waiting for our food

Back home~~~~ Have a banana milk~~
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