Sunday, December 20, 2015

Korea Trip day 2 Ehwa University area...SHOPPING~~~ and home early to enjoy Running Man on TV

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Hmm we finally found Mapo-gu Office Subway Station HAHAHAHAHAHA, it's so damh near as compared to the "Word-cup Stadium" Station one.

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In the subway... we saw... Running Man endorsing new game~~~ Poke Gary's cheek
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The sky is so pretty today~~~as well as Ehwa Women University
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The exterior here are so English~~~ I like~~~ Tourist mode Fer and Ant~~~ HAHAHAHA
A Singaporean helped us take this photo~~~ We know he is because of the way he speak HAHAHAHA
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Thing I do in a university                    Is this their Church? It's huge though
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Oh hi, another group of tourists hehehes~~~ We used selfies pod for this. To prove that we're here and shown the whole building lol
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김치볶음밥!!! I have been long since I last ate this!!!        Selfies in the restaurant lol
We're at the main street to shop~~~So there wasn't much photos since we are shopping~~~ The clothes here is quite affordable and some are cheap~~~ The problem is... most of them are too thick/warm. wrong season to shop here. There are alots of nice shoes shop too, just that I don't have so many pairs of legs to buy all those that I like.
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  Egg Bread~~~ 
It taste great while it's hot~ Please eat as soon as you bought it, it's way nicer than when it turn cold. Coz we bought it and shop, we took some time to eat finish, and it wasn't nice at all when it turns cold.


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Stuff I bought from 이대~~~~ The top is for Wan Ling's birthday~~ 1000 won socks and 15000 won short~~
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It is super coollllllllllllllllllll, although it's still expensive after bargaining...It's around $40+ or 50(I forgot) The shop owner says it's his design... he better be! hahahaha don't let me spot the same design on the street.~

Watching RUNNING MAN in Korea on TV >W<
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Jennifer taking a selfies with Bobby while Antricia is taking a photo of Bobby HAHAHAHA
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Mine is sweet potato...errr...I'm not used to the taste...it taste weird.
Antricia's melon ice cream seems nicer ><

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