Saturday, September 6, 2014

STGCC Day1 as Enju and School Exam at night

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My double eyelids kindda abit gone coz I accidentally put bb cream on the stickers OAO... Idk why eyebrows doesn't seem to be concealed...... spammed concealer already though
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Group Photo!!! I have been in cosplay group for a year already...I kindda like having a group to cos together for events/photoshoots...
Went to stgcc as Enju, and thank Max for inviting me to join his Black Bullet team out of sudden when he saw me. I wasn't a very Enju Enju though~ argh Vivien's Tina is sooooooooo CUTE~~!!!!~ So sad that I have to leave for exam so early... I was kindda rushing around meeting the people/friends I'm suppose to meet today~ X A X dead tired although I was fun only spent around 2+hrs in STGCC today > A < left at around 5pm
I actually dropped $15 at idk where and lost it..LOL hate hate hate myself for being so damh careless... I'M EVEN MORE BROKE NOW..
I shouldn't go event on the day of my exam next time..coz I don't feel like leaving and don't feel like studying for exam..I did revised the day before though.
I didn't manage to finish my Media Release for the exam..omg the media release this time round is damh difficult... and I spent too much time on my 10 points plan ..> A <.. I didn't write much on question1 either. What's worse is that I felt like shiting half-way of the paper... shouldn't have ate anything right before exam. Only manage to reach back home at 11+pm..  X A X 
Hopefully I at least will pass..
Oh ya, our class, we somehow took group photos using Chloe's phone before exam~~~~ ^ W ^ I guess we had quite some fun times together although I don't really know some of them, and with Piya for bridging lessons.

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