Monday, September 1, 2014

Facial especially removing blackheads and dead skin X A X

I just had facial in the afternoon coz I paid $50 deposit last Monday in the free consultation(due a company's invite lol).... I never really had a~real facial before...especially removing blackheads and dead skin ...X A X...
It's suppose to be a somewhat whitening session or something like that for my freckles... It was rather relaxing and comfortable until she told me that I have a lot of blackheads and started helping me "digging" all the blackheads out > A < omg such pain~ How do people even go facial for this? omg I cannot, there probably wun be the next time for me~
After the whole facial thingy, I feel real good looking at my face it's now all 2D instead of 3D and just realized that I always thought they are pimples but they are actually blackheads... The facial was quite effective other than the pain~~
AGAIN she started psycho-ing me to buy more packages for better result, oh please I'm not gonna waste my $$$ on my face again. Ended up buying a serum for blackheads.....> A < hope I will use then... She really is a scary skin consultant who always manage to get people to buy more... T A T
I'm so broke now la... SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT I DON'T HAVE $$$ LIAO *Stupid*

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